ETC5513: Reproducible and Collaborative Practices

Reproducible reporting using Quarto, git and GitHub

Lecturer: Michael Lydeamore

Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics

Open Frame


  1. Motivation for version control
  2. Git
  3. Introduction to command line
  4. Github
  5. Integration between Github and Rstudio
  6. Workflow for using version control

Today’s plan


Learning more on creating reproducible reports:

  • Referencing
  • Quarto books
  • CSS files

More on Git:

  • Create and delete branches
  • Merge branches

Solving git conflicts:

Connecting the dots

So far:

  • Learned to create basic reproducible reports using R
  • Learned how to connect our reproducible reports to Git and GitHub (version control)


  • Need to learn how to make “professional reports” not only on html but also in pdf
  • How to collaborate on projects with other colleagues
  • Learn how to solve issues on GitHub

Displaying figures

Options inside the R code chunks:

  • fig-align: Controls the alignment of figures in the report default, center, left, or right
  • fig-cap: Captions. fig-cap: "My amazing graph."
  • fig-height, fig-width: Size of the figure in inches
  • height, width: Size of your plot in the final file. For example width = "50%" which means half of the width of the image container (if the image is directly contained by a page instead of a child element of the page, that means half of the page width).

More on these controls here

Inserting figures

Using Markdown syntax:


Using the knitr package:

#| out-width: "80%"
#| echo: false

Setting up global options for our report

Global options are those that are applied to the entire document.

Best is to add this R code chunk at the beginning of the document before the libraries R code chunk.

They can be overwritten by the individual R code chunk options!

Knitr reference guide here

Quarto and referencing

Quarto automatically includes referencing information that used to be part of the bookdown package. It’s one of the many advantages of moving to Quarto over RMarkdown.

If you’ve used Bookdown before, just note that you no longer need to swap output formats for references to work.

Including referencing and keeping figures

title: "My Report"
author: "Patricia Menéndez"
  html: default    
  • Inside a folder called filename_files, figures will saved in a subfolder called figure-html (or appropriate document type) be named using the R code chunk names ( remember to name your R code chunks!)
  • Alternatively, we can add the following option into your YAML options:
    fig.path: Images/

This will create a new folder called Images and will place all the figures inside.

Figure referencing

To reference figures, we have to include a label and a fig-cap. For example,

#| label: fig-scatterplot
#| fig-cap: "Normalised mileage of cars. Positive values represent above average mileage, negative values indicate negative mileage"
#| eval: false

data("mtcars")  # load data
mtcars$`car name` <- rownames(mtcars)  # create new column for car names
mtcars$mpg_z <- round((mtcars$mpg - mean(mtcars$mpg))/sd(mtcars$mpg), 2)  # compute normalized mpg
mtcars$mpg_type <- ifelse(mtcars$mpg_z < 0, "below", "above")  # above / below avg flag
mtcars <- mtcars[order(mtcars$mpg_z), ]  # sort
mtcars$`car name` <- factor(mtcars$`car name`, levels = mtcars$`car name`)  # convert to factor to retain sorted order in plot.

# Diverging Barcharts
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=`car name`, y=mpg_z, label=mpg_z)) + 
  geom_bar(stat='identity', aes(fill=mpg_type), width=.5)  +
                    labels = c("Above Average", "Below Average"), 
                    values = c("above"="#00ba38", "below"="#f8766d")) + 
  labs(subtitle="Normalised mileage from 'mtcars'", 
       title= "Diverging Bars", x="Normalised mileage", y="Car Name") + 

Figure referencing

Figure 1: Normalised mileage of cars. Positive values represent above average mileage, negative values indicate negative mileage


@fig-scatterplot shows the normalised miles per gallon of a variety of makes of car.


Figure 1 shows the normalised miles per gallon of a variety of makes of car.

Referencing a table

Citing a table follows the same syntax:

#| label: tbl-summarytable
#| tbl-cap: Summary of the dataset

Table 1: Summary of the dataset
mpg cyl disp hp
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230
Maserati Bora 15.0 8 301 335

Referencing a table

In text:

We can see the results in @tbl-summarytable


We can see the results in Table 1


In order for a table to be cross-referenceable, it’s label must start with with tbl-.

Referencing a table

  • Remember to create a table we need to organize our data in a data frame or a tibble
  • We can use the kable function from the kableExtra package.

Note that we don’t have to add the caption inside kable, we can use a chunk option. But the functional form will still work.

Referencing a section

To reference a section, use @sec-label, and add the #sec- identifier to the heading. For example:

## Introduction {#sec-introduction}

which we would then reference with @sec-introduction.

Note that for this to work, we need to set number-sections: true in the YAML, as sections are only referred to by numbers.

Referencing Demo

Html reports templates

  • Templates can be modified by changing YAML options
  • There are lots of available Quqarto templates
  • YAML can be further modify by using css files. More info here.

Let’s have a look at an example.

Let’s learn more about Git


  • git clone is used to target an existing repository and create a clone, or copy of the target repository.
  • git pull is used to fetch and download content from a remote repository and immediately update the local repository to match that content.
  • git status displays the state of the working directory and the staging area
  • git add file_name adds a change in the working directory to the staging area
  • git commit -m "Message" (m = message for commit. The git commit is used to create a snapshot of the staged changes along a timeline of a Git projects history.)
  • git push origin branch name is used to upload local repository content to a remote repository.


Each repository has one default branch, and can have multiple other branches. Branching is a great feature of version control!

  • It allows you to duplicate your existing repository
  • Use a branch to isolate development work without affecting other branches in the repository
  • Modification in a branch can be merged into your project.

Branching is particularly important with Git as it is the mechanism that is used when you are collaborating with other researchers/data scientists.


Creating branches from GitHub

You can create branches directly on GitHub. More info here

Creating branches on GitHub

Deleting branches from GitHub

You can also delete branches directly on GitHub


As you get more comfortable with git, you might find this a bit slow and tedious.

We will be using our command line interface/Terminal or Git Bash to create and move across branches.

Create branches using the Terminal/Shell/CLI

We use the git branch and git checkout commands.

  • git branch show us the branches we have in our repo and marks our current branch with *
  • git branch newbranch_name creates a new branch but does not move the HEAD of the repo there.
  • git checkout newbranch_name moves the HEAD to newbranch_name

Git HEAD and checkout

How does Git know what branch you’re currently on?

By using the pointer: HEAD. In Git, this is a pointer to the local branch you are currently on.

Internally, the git checkout command updates the HEAD to point to either the specified branch or commit.

Another way to create and checkout branches

Using the checkout command

  • git checkout -b newbranch_name creates a new branch and moves the repo HEAD to this branch
  • You can confirm it by using git branch to see in which branch you are currently in
  • Checking out a branch updates the files in the working directory to match the version stored in that branch
  • It tells Git to record all new commits on that branch.

Updating those new branches in the remote repo in GitHub

  • We can just update the newly created branch into GitHub with:

git push origin newbranch_name

Alternatively if we had files or changes added into that branch: - git add . (adding all the modified files into the staging area) - git commit -m "Updating new newbranch_name" - git push origin newbranch_name

Merging branches

  • git checkout main: First move to the branch we want to move content into
  • git merge newbranch_name -m "Merging branches"
  • git push origin main to update the remote repository

Remember, we can use git status to check the status of our repo at any time.

Avoiding confusion when creating branches

  • Make sure you know where your branch is starting from
  • Branches of branches are, in general, not a good idea

Check out before creating new branch

It is essential to git checkout before creating a new branch.

If the branch where you are currently working was already merged with the main branch you’ll need to undo almost all the changes from the old branch that did not make it into the main branch.

Reason: all the old changes from that branch will appear as new changes in combination with the changes that are actually new.

It is fixable but a mess that you want to avoid!


Don’t create branches from a branch that is not the main branch unless you are deliberately doing it

Deleting branches using CLI

To delete a branch from your local repository:

  • git branch -a: list all the branches
  • git checkout main: Move to main branch
  • git branch -d Name_of_branch: Delete unwanted branch


You cannot delete a branch if your HEAD is on that branch

Deleting branches using CLI

To delete a branch from your remote repository (GitHub):

git push origin --delete Name_of_branch

More on Branching

Imagine that you are working on your local repository and a collaborator has created a new branch in your remote repo.

You are currently working on your local repo and want to have a look at the new branch. That means that the local repo and your remote repo have diverged.

That is, both the local and remote repositories are not currently synchronized.

  • To synchronize your work: git fetch origin
  • git fetch origin looks where origin is and fetches any data from it that you don’t yet have.
  • It also updates your local database repo (if it can), moving your origin/main pointer (HEAD) to its new, more up-to-date position.

About remotes

Note: If the git repo contains more than one remote, such as origin and upstream, git fetch will fetch all the changes from all of the remotes.

git fetch origin will only fetch the changes from remote origin

Fetch workflow

  1. git fetch updates all remote branches
  2. Good practice to check branches available for checkout
  3. Make a local working copy of the branch


  • git remote (The git remote command lets you create, view, and delete connections to remote repositories.)
  • git fetch origin: fetch the changes from remote origin (Fetching is what you do when you want to see what everybody else has been working on in the remote repo)
  • git branch -a shows all the branches available in the local repository + all the branches fetched from the remote.

The branches fetched from the remote origin would be preceded by remotes/origin/

Etiquette for working on someone else branch

  • To work on someone’s branch, make a local copy of it
  • Work on your local branch (new branch)
  • Then push that new branch to the remote repository

To do that: - First make sure you are working in that branch in your local repo: git branch -a - Add changes into the staging area, commit and push changes to the corresponding branch into the remote repository: git add files, git commit -m "Message", git push origin name-of-the-branch

How to go back to your previous branch?

  • git checkout branchname

Imagine that you have two branches:

  • main
  • Alternative_analysis

To check in which branch you are currently

  • git branch or git branch -a, you will see an * to let you in which branch the HEAD of your repository currently is.

To go back to main branch (assuming that you were in there): git checkout main

Merging diverging branches

Resource here.

Merging branches sucessfully

Suppose we have two branches: main and new_development and our goal is to bring changes from the branch new_development into our main branch:

  1. For merging, go to main branch: git checkout main
  2. git merge new_development
  3. git push origin main
  4. This will incorporate the changes made in the branch new_development into the main branch.

If those steps are successful your new_development branch will be fully integrated within the main branch.

Merging branches with conflicts

However, it is possible that Git will not be able to automatically resolve some conflicts,

# Auto-merging index.html
# CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in index.html
# Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.


Do not panic.

No-one likes merge conflicts but they happen, and are fixable.

You will need to resolve the conflicts

You will have to resolve them manually.

This normally happens when two branches have the same file but with two different versions of the file. In that case Git is not able to figure out which version to use and is asking you to resolve the conflict.

Resolving merging conflicts

First, figure out which files are affected by the conflict:

git status

git status
# On branch main
# You have unmerged paths.
#   (fix conflicts and run "git commit")
# Unmerged paths:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)
#     both modified:      example.Rmd
# no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Resolving the conflict

  • Open the file with a text editor
  • Go to the lines which are marked with

<<<<<<, ====== , and >>>>>>

Edit the file

  • git add filename
  • git commit -m "Message"
  • git push origin main

Resolving conflicts

When you open the conflict file in a text editor such as Rstudio, you will see the conflicted part marked like this:

/* code unaffected by conflict */
<<<<<<< HEAD
/* code from main that caused conflict */
/* code from feature that caused conflict */

When Git encounters a conflict, it adds <<<< ; >>>> and ======= to highlight the parts that caused the conflict and need to be resolved.

Resolving conflicts in practice

  • Open the file in a text editor (for example Rstudio)
  • Decide which part of the code you need to keep in the final main branch
  • Remove the irrelevant code and the conflict indicators
  • Run git add to stage the file/s and git commit to commit the changes: this will generate the merge commit.

Resolving the conflict

Merging branches

Creating branches from Rstudio


When we create a branch using Rstudio the branch is created both in the local and in the remote repository (at the same time.)

Keep refreshing Rstudio (Cloud)

Otherwise some of your branches and changes might not be updated.

Diff window in Rstudio

Rstudio Demo

Few things to start getting installed

Please follow the link and get the Github Education pack.

From now on we will be using VSCode for managing git. Please look at instructions in Week 3 to get it installed.

Time to start our programs locally!

After your tutorial this week:

In the next weeks, we will be using VSCode

  • To help us resolve conflicts
  • To have a nicer way for visualizing Git trees + much more!

Don’t forget about Assignment 1!

  • For this first assignment your repository can be private. However, when you submit your assignment make sure you make it public.
  • Think that you will be able to show case this assignment on your GitHub account so that you can start building your projects portfolio.
  • Please come to any of the consultation hours if you have any questions.

Week 4 Lesson


  • Learned more on creating reproducible reports:
    • Referencing
    • Talk about css files
  • More on Git:
    • Branches
  • Solving Git merging conflicts
  • Install VSCode as a GUI to work with Git/GitHub and as a text editor for commits.