ETC5513: Collaborative and Reproducible Practices

Workshop 2


Michael Lydeamore


21 February 2025

  1. To complete this tutorial, you’ll need the pre-built RStudio project. Go to Moodle, under Week 2, download the Tutorial 2 RStudio Project zip.
    Save this file on your computer and unzip it. You can open the .Rproj file and that should launch RStudio.
  2. To render into a PDF, you will need to install the tinytex package. There are two methods to do this:
    Either install.packages("tinytex") or at your command line type quarto install tinytex. Your tutors can help with this if you get stuck.

Exercise 1: RStudio Projects

  1. Render the Tutorial2.qmd file into a HTML and a PDF.
  2. Write your name as an author in the YAML.
  3. Change the HTML theme to cerulean.

Exercise 2: YAML and R Chunk Options

Carefully inspect the YAML and the first R code chunk in your Quarto file.

  1. What is the first R chunk of code doing?
    Hint: Remember all the libraries used in an analysis should be listed together at the top of the file.
  2. Change the R chunk option from message: false to message: true and add the option warning: true. What happens when you knit the file?
  3. Create a new section called Introduction and type using markdown the following:
    “In this tutorial we are looking at the Coronavirus cases detected within the Hubei area as reported in the Lancet Journal website as of March 12, 2019.”
    Hint: Think about the # character.
  4. Remove all the R chunk messages from the Chunk called Chunk 1 and write the following under that section using markdown:
    “In this section we are loading all the required libraries for the tutorial”
  5. For the same R Chunk, add the chunk option echo: false. What does this do?
  6. Using markdown, link the word “Lancet” to the website