ETC5513: Collaborative and Reproducible Practices

Tutorial 8


Michael Lydeamore


21 February 2025

🎯 Objectives

  • Create a reproducible PDF report using a template
  • Work in groups to create a joint report using version control
  • Practice all markdown tools that we have learnt

Create a reproducible and collaborative report

Form a group of 3 or 4 people, with whom you will create a reproducible and collaborative report.

In this group:

  • Nominate a person who will create a GitHub repo with a file. The repo can be public or private.

  • Clone the repository locally, and set up a template, either one from the Monash templates or the Quarto Journals system

  • Create a new Quarto document, and change the output format to match the template you have picked.
  • Add a chunk that loads in the data you can find under this week’s Moodle.
  • Stage, commit and push these changes to the remote (GitHub).

  • Invite your teammates to collaborate as you have done in the previous tutorials.

Working together

Each team member:

  • Make their own branch
  • Work in their own section - give everyone a number, and they only work in that section
  • In each section, create a figure and describe what you observe from the figure.

Make sure the figure has a caption, and a label, and that the figure is cross-referenced in the text.

  • Stage, commit and push changes as you progress - don’t leave it all until the end.

Creating a single report

Once each team member has finished working on their section, please merge the changes into the main branch. The final document should be in the main branch and include each section from each team member. All cross-references should be shown and function as expected.